Tagore Memorial English School

Tagore Memorial English School

About Us

Learn with passion to live with purpose.

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Students Enrolled


Certified Teachers


Students Graduated

What Make Us Spcecial?

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Who we are?

Tagore Memorial English School was established in 1970s by Mrs. Margaret Horne and now it is leading by her daughter Mrs. Magdalene Mercy Pais. It is Christian minority unaided. It was started with 10 students now it is raised to more than thousand.

Who we do?

The school consists of grades from nursery to 10 with advanced technology such as Kreedo, Smart Classes, Clubs, Computer Classes and well versed faculties. It has got 18 to 20 claassrooms. The school has Library, Computer Lab, Science Lab, Kreedo Lab and also it consists of co-curricular activities such as Sports, Scouts and guides, Yoga, Drawing, Painting, Art and Craft etc. for Mental and Physical development of the child.

How it work?

The staff and the students interviewed were all praised for her and her managerial abilities. All of them agree. Ms. Horne mixes the right amount of strictness with softness.

Our History

Ms. Margaret Horne, founder of T.M.E.S., started her school without even a chair. Her’s is a case of struggle and hardwork on the way to build the best school in this locality.

It was almost 53 years ago that she left N.E.H.S. after a difference of opinion. She had served as a teacher for 12 years there.

She had always wanted to start her own school. Young Margaret, still in her twenties, started looking for a place. Soon she started on English Medium School and quickly succeeded in getting pupils to the school. In less than 1.5 years she had 600 children studying. In the meantime, she had added middle and high school classes. There is cent passing at the S.S.L.C. exams which is maintained till today. Ms. Horne says she had to give up her youth for the sake of school, but quickly adds that it was worth it.

Our Promise

She is very happy and content with the results of her work. The most rewarding thing for her is the achievement of students who pass out from her school. Many of them have become doctors, engineers and high-level officers. She hopes some of her students will become great leaders of the country and do a lot of good for the people.

Ms. Horne holds the parents of her students in high esteem for having supported her during her days of trouble. She says their parents and my staff are my “BACKBONE”. She treats the staff and children as being in her family. All the staff members like the atmosphere here. Even the few who had to leave did so under unavoidable circumstances and did not like to leave.

The staff and the students interviewed were all praised for her and her managerial abilities. All of them agree. Ms. Horne mixes the right amount of strictness with softness.

Meet Our Team

Meet the awesome team behind the Tagore Memorial English School.

 Mrs. Margaret Horne


Mr. Santosh Pais


Mrs. Magdalene Pais





Mrs. Margaret Horne was the Founder of the T.M.E.S.




Mr. Samtosh Pais is the President of Tagore Memorial English School.




Mrs. Magdalene Pais is the Principal of Memorial English School.